Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rhetorical Outline #2

Cody Mangano                                                                                                                                                              
English 102-028
Essay 2, Outline

Title: Rhetorical Analysis of Alcohol Advertisements
Thesis: Using two different, yet the same, styles of advertising to attract the same consumer, Sello Dorado crosses the boundary of inappropriate while Bacardi Limon sticks to a much more common tactic of advertising.
I.                   In comparing these two ads slogans the viewer gets exactly what the ad makers want to convey because of how upfront and over the top each are.  
a.       Does one slogan’s color, font, or meaning pull you in more to buying that alcohol?
b.      With key placement and style of each slogan for their respective ad, the values and morals of Bacardi Limon and Sello Dorado are conveyed in completely different manners.
II.                Each ad approaches their image in a different style. While one shows a classy, social gathering, the other shows a field party.
a.       Sello Dorado uses a silhouette to convey a more abstract theme. They want the audience to feel at ease but then end up having a great time.
b.      While on the other hand, Bacardi Limon is conveyed in a classy bar scene with well dressed, young adults all around a sparkling theme.
III.             Each ad has its own unique twist to it that makes one more effective than the other. Now whether that be good or bad is at question.
a.       In effectiveness on the audience I believe that the Bacardi Limon ad is much more effective if not only for that it isn’t offensive in the way the Sello Dorado ad is.
b.       Is Sello Dorado’s claim that if you drink this you will make decisions you normally wouldn’t make better than the claim of Bacardi Limon?
C.  I believe the claim of Bacardi Limon portrays itself in a much cleaner way than that of Sello Dorado for the simple fact that the Bacardi ad is focused more on the social aspect of alcohol rather than the sexual portrayal Sello Dorado is putting out.
            a. Does sex really sell alcohol as these ads are trying to do?
Conclusion: While alcohol ads will always try and sell the aspect of creating sexual tension between men and women, the Sello Dorado ad does this in an obscene manner while the Bacardi Limon ad does this in a much more subtle way. Even though selling alcohol on the basis that it makes one want to “party” and “loosens them up” comes off as ugly, it sells, plain and simple.       

1 comment:

  1. Cody,

    You have chosen interesting advertisements for you analysis and your outline shows that you have thought about the differences betwen the two. However, as it is, your argument needs more focus. For example, your thesis states "the values and morals of Bacardi Limon and Sello Dorado are conveyed in completely different manners." This is too vague. What are the values in each? Could you articulate them as " The target consumer of Sello Droado values X, and the consumer of Bacardi Limon values Y"? Same about the "manner" in which the add attracts the consumer: what exactly is the manner? You describe one as "classy" and the other as "obscene", yet you do not say what elements or assumptions make them look that way. In other words, start with adding more detail about the ads and see how these elements in the ad create the "obscene" vs "classy" result. After all, as you rightly notice, both are selling a potentially unhealthy substance and both use ex appeal. Now you need to list and tie the specific evidence from the ads to your larger claim. Hope this helps!
