Monday, October 3, 2011

3 ads

1)      Life’s too short ad
2)      People looking for jobs and/or whom want to get a job they love because life is too short.
3)      Jobsintown
4)      The consumer has the values of wanting a job they love and not dreading all the work.
5)      The consumer for these ads wants a job they love and can keep for a very long time.
6)      This ad doesn’t have anything to buy in besides the idea that getting a new job through their searching will make their life happier.
7)      Sello Dorado alcohol ad
8)      A younger crowd that wants to drink and have no cares in the world.
9)      Sello Dorado
10)   The target consumer wants to party and have a good time. The ad makes it sound like the target consumer doesn’t have any cares or good morals.
11)   The target consumer wants to buy alcohol and have a good time.
12)   The consumer should buy this alcohol because it makes all your cares in the world go away and it makes you “not care” about having children.
13)   Hershey’s ice breaker packaging looking like drugs.
14)   The audience is broad. Anyone that wants to have fresh breath.
15)   Ice breakers
16)   The audience’s values aren’t very obvious in this ad. The ad shows that they might not have good morals or values because the ice breakers look like illegal drugs.
17)   The consumer should buy the ice breakers because they make your breath fresh .

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