Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Food ICW

These images tell me that all of the world cultures have a different outlook on food. Whether it be the portions, the types, or how they eat it, everyone is different. The images show that one could go only several miles away and experience a completely different life style of food. This is easily seen when showing the difference between the American culture of food and the African culture of food. In one we see the massive amounts of food and the fact that they are all mass produced packaged food. While in the other we see that everything is down to its raw form and in much smaller portions.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's crazy that, like you mentioned, you can go only several miles away, and it'll feel like you're in a completely different place, just based on how they live and what they eat. It makes me feel very fortunate that I live where I do, and I have the choices that I have.
